Looking for a Centre where
Your Child
Will Be Safe and Loved!

Where Fun Happens!
Your Children

Quality care & education for your child
A Community Early Childhood Education
The Greek Community Child Care Centre offers high quality early childhood education and care for children from 6 weeks to prep entry, with an emphasis on building relationships, quality interactions and promoting early learning.
read moreWe are dedicated to the care and education
Our Educational Programs
Our exclusive curricula, combined with our own digital lesson planning tool, enable teachers to create personalized learning experiences, appropriate to every age group.

Nurturing. Curious. Growing.
Enrollment: 10
Teachers:Theas Chrissy, Anastasia, Katia, and Eleni
Nursery 0-2Years

Developing. Spirited. Playful.
Enrollment: 15
Teachers:Theas Stephie, Antonia and Chrysovalantou
Toddlers 2-3Years

Creative. Imaginative. Inquisitive.
Enrollment: 25
Teachers:Theas Vickie, Dimitra, Chrissy, Sheetal, Athena and Kierra
Kindy Pre-Prep 3-5Years

We believe it takes a community to raise a child, and so we use storypark to share your child’s daily learning with you in real time.
Parents can receive updates on their child’s day and can comment and respond to content. You control who can see your child’s profile, and you can even upload and share your child’s experiences from home, fostering your child’s sense of belonging to our community.
An emergent curriculum
Elements enabling active learners in our children
An emergent curriculum is one that builds on children's interests and passions at a certain point in time. Children thrive and learn best when their interests are captured. Learning occurs naturally when educators who are skilled, active, observers of children are able to harness the teachable moments when children are engaged in an experience which interests them. This approach to learning ensures that children are curious and active learners.
Our teacher monitors children’s learning through observation, supported by conversations with the children and families to help identify useful topics for study. Planning is essential and teachers work together to formulate hypotheses on possible directions for learning projects. They purposefully observe each child to identify significant learning when it occurs and confirm that each child’s learning is progressing across all areas of development.
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We have our own garden that the children are involved in from planting to harvesting to eating.
In each module the children discover the wonders of colour, singing, musical instruments, shapes, characters, physical activity and problem solving. The modules are presented weekly.
Greek Culture
We are very privileged to have fully qualified bi-lingual teachers who are able to introduce the language and culture. We have an extensive range of Greek Resources including videos, books, games, music and much more.
Our open, flexible environments are responsive to children and invite interactions, risk-taking, discovery, connections to nature, play and collaboration. An environment that is interesting and engaging will captivate children into deeper learning experiences.
We belong to a large and very engaged community that we are a part of. We have and Intergeneration Program that operates between the Day Respite and Childcare Centre, which provides a wonderful opportunity for young and old to connect.
Our program promotes healthy eating and active lifestyles.
External visits to the Museum, Science Centre, GOMA and Leggo Education Centre are some ways to support the learning at the centre.

Why Choose Greek Orthodox Community Childcare Centre
A Sense of Community
We are a community based not for profit centre that aims to create a new leaf in early childhood education in Australia.
Promoting Health & Wellbeing
We are acutely conscious that healthy habits ingrained in a child’s first five years will set the tone for future well-being and our programs include physical activity and basic nutritional education, in addition to providing children with a sense of self.
Connection to Nature
Children are our number one focus. We see the children in our care grow, develop and reach their own learning goals when offered a stimulating environment.
Cheeky Monkeys & Music
In each module the children discover the wonders of colour, singing, musical instruments, shapes, characters, physical activity and problem solving. The modules are presented weekly.
Greek Language & Culture
We promote the Greek Language and Culture throughout our programs here at our centre. The centre also has its very own dancing group which performs for special functions throughout the year such as the Paniyiri Festival, Oxi Day and 25th March (Greek National Day). We have our own traditional costumes that the children perform in.
Experienced Educators
Our centre employs highly qualified educators whose qualifications exceed what is recommended by the Childcare Regulations. These qualifications include Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood), Diploma of Children Services and Associate Diploma in Childcare.
Children need healthy, wholesome foods
Healthy Food for Growing Children
By eating family-style nutritious meals, children learn about making healthy choices and the connection between food and community.


